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In this study, 5-weekly COVID-19 incidence rates per 100 000 people for 149 English Upper Tier Local Authorities were examined between 16 March and 19 April 2023. The results suggest that COVID-19 rates strongly decreased in the most densely populated areas of the UK. These findings have substantial implications for the easing of social distancing measures, particularly within highly populated areas.
- Correction: Uptake of direct oral anticoagulants in primary care: an ecological and economic study
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- Barriers and facilitators to deprescribing in primary care: a systematic review
- Factors affecting patient recruitment to trials: qualitative research in general practice
- Referral rates for children with acute gastroenteritis: a retrospective cohort study
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Medical schools globally do not have sufficient numbers of graduates choosing primary care. Sahota and colleagues spoke to 51 medical students in Canada and the UK to explore this further. Their findings suggest that medical students often perceive primary care as a less intellectually stimulating discipline, associating it with teaching rather than seeing it as an academic or research-based specialty.
Overcrowding, a poor general health profile, inability to comply with social distancing or hand hygiene measures: Crowley and colleagues highlight the potential impact of COVID-19 on those in prison, and explore some of the opportunities in treatment and policy options for this marginalised group.
Given the high rates of complications and mortality from COVID-19, there has been substantial interest in repurposing of drugs for treatment. A group from the University of Oxford has carried two rapid reviews of the literature, examining the evidence for the use of azithromycin, and of hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine to treat COVID-19. Their findings highlight a paucity of evidence to justify either treatment, especially from clinical trials.
Coding COVID-19: standardising data for better monitoring
Standardising the codes used in computerised medical records is key for accurate surveillance of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here, de Lusignan and Williams outline best practice for primary care professionals: the clinical concepts to be recorded, the temporary codes that are currently in use, and the definitive codes that should replace them.